Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Valentine Day Massacre Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Valentine Day Massacre - Research Paper ExampleSchwinger and buns May, along with 5 other members of the North Side Irish gang were lined up against a jetty and were kill using Thompson sub-machine ordnance stores.3 The Victims were executed against the inside rear of a mole belonging to SMC Cartage Company garage at 2122 North Clark street on Lincoln Park neighborhood in Chicago, later the wall became famous as the Massacre wall. The Wall remains the most important artifact of the event. The infamous wall received world wide press coverage because photos depicting the bloody aftermath of the massacre were create world wide.4 According to the coroners report, seven machine gun bullets and two shot gun blasts were fired on the seven victims lined against the Massacre Wall. Out of seven, one victim managed to survive for some(prenominal) hours in the hospital but, he refused to name his killers.5 The murders were committed by gangsters, handpicked by Al Capone, who hire t hem outdoors the city to minimize the chances of being recognized by the North Side Irish gang victims. The display case still remains officially unsolved because no one was ever convicted of the crime. Al Capone was a precise powerful gangster and the event of Valentine Massacre took place at the top of the inning of his power in Chicago. The act of Al Capone on Chicago can be analyzed from the following quote At the height of his power Al Capone carried everyone- from the mayor of Chicago, practice of law captains and judges, to the bell-boys at his luxurious hotel residence around his pockets like unresolved change, and used his power to exploit societys ubiquitously puissant blend of fear and greed. 6 horseshit McGurn was the right hand man of Al Capone and it was him, who was the master mind behind the Valentine Massacre.7 fathead McGurn was a a handsd example of archetypal good- boy-gone-bad, who harbored a vicious criminality which was perfectly mirrored by the gru esome events of fear Valentines Day Massacre. Jack McGurn was paradoxical and his actions left an indelible impression in the history of America. Jack McGurn and Al Capone staged the murders meticulously in an attempt to eliminate George Bugs Moran. The groundwork devised by Jack McGurn was not only devilishly spectacular but was meticulous as well.8 Jack and Al Capone planned that their hired killers will lure George Moran and his favorite men to storage warehouse of SMC Cartage Company, by offering them an irresistible deal, which in the case was, a load of hijacked whiskey.9 According to Jacks plan, Once Moran and his men enter the warehouse, killers disguised as policemen will arrive at the scene, pretending to arrest them, but will kill them instead. Al Capone and Jack McGurn knew that they both would be suspected so they conveniently went out of town, when the massacre took place. Al Capone went on vacation to Florida while Jack went safely elsewhere. Unfortunately, the tim ing went wrong and the plan misfired because Moran arrived late at the warehouse and saw the disguised killers getting out of the police car. Moran was scared and he fled. Therefore, the killers executed seven men that were already there at the warehouse garage.10 Then the two killers disguised as uniformed police officers led the other men at gunpoint, out of the garage after successfully carrying out the shooting. John

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